“Employee relations, known historically as industrial      
 relations, is concerned with the contractual,                                                                                        emotional, physical and practical relationship                                                                                  
   between employer and employee.”

Any organization that wants to succeed in a specific industry must place emphasis on positive Employee Relations. As it might sounds, the broad term used in business refers to the relationship that is shared between an organization and its employee base. While it does sound like a very broad and obvious term, it’s one that is extremely important. It is a relationship where rapport and trust can have a direct effect on profits and business climate.

As most people who have worked in any type office setting will know, there are many different types of personalities. Each of these personalities can affect the environment at work, the collaboration between departments, and ultimately, whether or not the goals and objectives of the organization are met.

According to Armstrong (2003), employee relations consist of all those areas of human resource management that deals with employees directly and through collective agreements where trade unions are recognized. The union practices for the welfare and good working condition of the employees. Employee relations are concerned with generally managing the relationship between employer and employees at the workplace that can be formal e.g. contract of employment or procedural agreement.

The Institute of Personnel and Development (IPD) defines employee relation as“ that part of personnel; management that enable competent managers though the development of institutions, procedures and policies to reconcile within acceptable limits to the organization, the interest of employers as the buyers of labour service and those of employees as the suppliers of labour services."

Why is the Employer-Organization Relationship So Important?

Companies can purchase the best computers on the market, innovative software solutions systems, and the best materials for producing high-quality goods. You might know what you are getting when you buy material objects, but no one truly knows what they are getting when they hire an employee to do a certain job.

Since employees spend most of their waking hours in the office each day and most of their days in the week at their desks, it’s crucial that they develop some sort of relationship with colleagues, management, and executives. If no time is spent trying to build a rapport, there’s no healthy relationship established and there is bound to be a decrease in performance and productivity. Happy and engaged employees produce the best work.

Simple ways that managers can help maintain positive employee relations.

*        Open Communication

In any relationship, communication is the key. Employees spend the majority of their days at work so it’s important that they feel comfortable with their manager and fulfilled in their tasks.

*        Show Recognition

Simple gestures of thanks and kind words go a long way. Longer than you might think.. Appreciation and gratitude mean so much to your employees, and the truth is that reinforcing good work is what is inspires them to keep it up.

*        Giving public praise is another great way to show recognition

While also inspiring the rest of the team. Rewarding your team properly is what cultivates a culture of appreciation between employee and manager, ultimately inspiring your employees to continue to work hard for you and the company.

*        Constant Feedback

Offering frequent feedback to your employees on their great work and constructive criticism on where they can improve is essential in nurturing a positive relationship with your team. Employees want feedback, they want to learn and grow and improve. Providing them with the tips and guidance they need to get there by holding frequent feedback sessions like monthly one-on-ones, will be highly appreciated.

*        Invest  In Your Employees

Show employees that you care about them as people, not just as 9-5 workers. Expressing that their fulfillment is important to you, on a professional and personal level, is a big statement that will elicit their respect and keep them engaged. The truth is, if an employee is happy in their personal life, they’ll be much more productive at work, so investing in their lives at large and not just at work will be beneficial for everyone.


Ways Improve Employee Relations

There are many things that a manager can both do, and stop doing that will help improve employee relations.

1. Stop Micromanaging

When a leader micromanages instead of trusting their team and giving their employees autonomy, the employee risks becoming disengaged. Subsequently, the quality of their work will suffer, which actually leads to more micromanagement, and creates sort of a vicious cycle.

Keep in mind that there is a difference between offering guidance, and micromanaging. Guidance and feedback are always great and keep employee relations positive, but watching their move at every step, hovering and offering too much unsolicited advice will actually begin to make employees doubt themselves and this will lead to a slew of other problems.

2. Don’t Play Favourites

It is generally obvious when an employer chooses favourites, and it can completely demoralize the rest of the team, ruining employee relations.

The other danger of playing favourites at work is that it creates tension between colleagues and this can lead to employee disengagement.

3. Be As Clear As Possible

Again, this ties back to good communication, but employees need to clearly understand their job roles, and what’s expected of them.

Then you can work with them to meet those expectations, but a lot of the time, this confusion leads to stress, which will lower their engagement.

4. Collect Ideas From The Team

You want to make employees feel like they are part of the team, and part of the decision making process.

Ask employees to submit their ideas, or at least make it known that their ideas are always welcome and that suggestions for new initiatives will always be considered.

But remember, don’t just collect ideas for the sake of collecting, this will have an even bigger negative effect. Instead of just listening to your employees’ ideas, try to implement some as well and put action to your intention.

5. Share The Company Vision

When Dan Pink talks about the motivators that drive us, one of them is purpose. Employees need to feel like what they’re doing is important.They need to feel like they are part of something bigger than them. If you want to fuel your employees’ passion, share the long term vision of the company with them, and don’t be shy to communicate this frequently.





Image Sources:

Figure – 01 : http://www.picpedia.org/clipboard/images/employee-relations.jpg


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